Number Plate Valuation
If you own a registration that you would like to sell, or for which you would like to get a number plate valuation, provide us with the information by leaving us your details below.
We can respond back to you with a number plate valuation within 2 days, or during office hours usually within 15 minutes. Should you wish to sell it through us, we do not charge for advertising your registration or finding a buyer - we simply take a commission once the sale has gone through. So if we do not sell it, you pay us NOTHING.
If the number plate valuation offered is acceptable, you need to post or email your written completed form to us to proceed with the advertising of your registration.
The form and related information can be downloaded from here. To view the agreement form and to be able to print and post to us, you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program (available here) if you dont already have Acrobat installed