Ultimate Aston Villa Number Plate - AVI 1114 Aston Villa fans – stop what you’re doing and read on… we’ve got some amazing news for you… We can now officially offer for sale, the ultimate...
Speedyreg- New Number Plates Rules There’s no doubt that Brexit is going to cause some major disruptions for the UK and there is going to be a whole host of changes. Even now, with the Brexit deadline so...
Speedyreg - COVID 19 Vaccine With the SpeedyReg offices being just up the road from Enniskillen, it’s a town we know very well and so it’s always interesting when the town makes the news headlines, and...
Speedyreg's Guide to Christmas Shopping 2020 Choosing Christmas presents can be tricky, there’s always those one or two people you simply can’t find anything for isn’t there? The store shelves...
1 NHS -- Number Plates The answer to the above questions is yes… and no! The DVLA have not disclosed this twist in the tale of the sale of 1 NHS but we have the information. 1 NHS sold at a DVLA auction...
Speedyreg - Black Friday 2020 Thinking back to Black Friday 2019, so much has changed hasn’t it? We used to stroll around the shops, without really giving it a thought. This year, most of the shops are...
Hallween at Spookyreg - Speedyreg Was that a ghost I just saw? Oh no, that was just our director Des in a white shirt. Did a bat just fly past or was it Craig being naughty and throwing a paper aeroplane?...
Defender 110 - Number Plates We’ve been excited about the prospect of a new Defender and now it’s here, it certainly doesn’t disappoint. We’re pleased that it keeps true to the old Defender...
Personalised Number Plates- DAZ 90 The Land Rover Defender is such an iconic vehicle, how do you even begin to create a new version of such a classic? Land Rover have taken their time to release the new...
Mothers Day - Speedyreg This Mothers Day is going to be different there’s no denying that. So many of us would normally be going out for a Mother’s Day meal at a restaurant and our plans have been...