3x3 Dateless Registrations between £250 and £280
A 3x3 number plate is simply a way of referring to how many letters and numbers are within the registration number. So this means 3 letters and 3 numbers, either way around (numbers first or letters first). Generally speaking the more letters or numbers are on a registration, the cheaper the price, so a 3 letter/4 number registration is often cheaper than a 3x3, and a 3x3 is usually cheaper than a 3x2 or 3x1. However 3x3 are extremely popular.

Dateless Registrations
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This page highlights the price range of £250 to £280 +VAT and transfer fee, which is one of our most popular ranges. If you want to look for other combinations of letters and numbers, at all available price ranges, use our dateless registration plates clever search tool, otherwise, browse the list below