Autotrader Number Plates
The Autotrader, has become a household name for anyone associated with the Motoring Trade. From its earliest days in the late 1970s the Autotrader has become synonymous with the rapid growth of private number plates and personalised registrations. The Autotrader number plates section features advertisements from UK top number plate dealers. We at Speedyreg have been associated with, and have carried weekly advertisments with Autotrader for over 30 years. This partnership between Speedyreg and Autotrader has become a recognised brand throughout the UK. Speedyreg are proud to carry the largest selection of cheap number plates in the UK.
The Autotrader was the brain child of John Madekjski. He was on holiday in Florida, when he saw a car sales magazine that included pictures of vehicles on sale. He immediately realised the potential of the idea, and founded Thames Vally Trader in 1976. Initially the magazine sold anything and eveything, but it soon concentrated solely on vehicles, and was renamed Autotrader. Maadejski partnered with Guardian Media Group in 1982 to give the title national exposure. Then in 1998 he sold his company to Hurst Publishing for £174 million.
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