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Getting stranded is snow joke!

If you've been watching the news lately you'll have seen several reports of people getting stranded in their cars on the motorway due to the heavy and sudden snowfall. With temperatures getting down to -3C...
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Potholes – a growing concern

A recent survey shows that a third of all drivers have suffered damage to their vehicles from potholes. That's a huge figure! With some bad winter weather over the last few years, pot holes are appearing...
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Super Sue plates

  If your name is Susan or Susannah people probably call you Sue. The name Sue is derived from the Hebrew word for lily which means to be joyful, bright, or cheerful. You'll certainly be joyful and...
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Get your eyesight checked

Get your eyesight checked before you get a ban There has been an increase lately in drivers having their licenses revoked due to failing eyesight. The legal requirement as you may remember from when you...