New Years Eve Number Plates - Speedy Reg

Happy New Year!

Farewell 2017 and Hello 2018! We hope you’ve had a brilliant year, and that 2018 will be great for you too. We’ve certainly had a good year here at Speedy Reg and that’s down to you, our fabulous...
Boxing Day Sales number Plates - Speedy Reg

Yay! Hooray! It’s Boxing Day!

Well that’s Christmas Day done and dusted for another year. Did you have a good one? Today’s the day for turkey sandwiches in front of the TV, time to chill out and relax after all that exhausting...
Ninja Day Number Plates - Speedy Reg

Happy International Ninja Day!

Talk Like a Pirate Day is so old hat, it’s time for something new, and that something could be… International Ninja Day! Dress like a ninja, talk like a ninja, creep around like a ninja, there are...