Earth Day Number Plates - Speedy Reg

Earth Day 2018 – Get Involved!

Earth Day started in 1970 and has grown massively. A world wide event to bring nations together to help protect the planet and reduce environmental damage. It is thought that over a billion people across...
Emma Watson Number Plates - Speedy Reg

Happy Birthday Emma Watson!

Emma Watson turns 28 on April 15th. Doesn’t time fly? It doesn’t seem so long since she was a little girl playing Hermione Granger in Harry Potter, but it’s actually 17 years ago! She rose to fame in...
Des hits 60 - Speedy Reg

SpeedyReg Director Des Hits 60!

Nope, not 60mph, but 60 years of age! Who would believe it? He doesn’t look a day over 59. Despite his advancing years, Des still knows how to strike a good deal, having recently sold a whopping 50...