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Need a hand parking?

We have all hard trouble parking at some stage in our life and occasionally we all need a hand, which has been illustrated by a well known artist Lorenzo Quinn’s.  Lorenzo Quinn has a created a...
Free Road Tax

Free Road Tax for Cars

Did you know that there are family cars offering completely free road tax, as well as superminis? From April last year anyone buying a new car had to pay a different rate of vehicle tax for the first tax...

DVLA doubles annual IT spend

The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency is to more than double what it spends annually on its IT deal with IBM. The DVLA have signed a three year extension to its existing Partners Achieving Change together...
CRZ Registrations

CRZ Number Plates

This week seen the end of BRZ registrations in Ballymena.  They were replaced with CRZ numberplates. The CRZ registration will be popular if your name in Cruize, Chris etc. The CRZ would also be...