Advertise your business on a number plate


Nowadays a business will use any way possible to help promote their company by advertising and marketing their product. Social media is an obvious free tool used to promote businesses for example through Facebook or Twitter and promotional blogs such as this one. One trick your company might be missing is to have a personalised registration with your full company name or perhaps initials of your company. This always looks particularly good if your vehicle has artwork for the business printed on it already as it really does complete the looks ad gives it a professional touch. If you feel the artwork on your vehicle is enough to promote your business then think again, the one place most drivers look is at the car in front and their number plate especially when it is dark at night on the road you will always see the number plate. You may just be missing this simple trick which could potentially get your business noticed and perhaps attract a future customer.

The good thing about personalised number plates is that they are no longer the remit of the big brands or wealthy business people. Anyone from driving schools, plumbers, taxis, hairdressers, electricians and boiler repairs are all using personalised number plates as an added advertising tool.

A plumbing company from London, Pimlico Plumbers, gained fame when they began to use personalised number plates. Starting with DRA 1N, they now have over 50 personalised number plates. Their range of personalised number plates include WE02 WEE, W4 TER and LAV 1. Customers call up and ask for a certain plumber with a certain van. So having a personalised number plate is working very well for this company.

Chanel, the perfume and clothing giant, uses a personalised number plate to promote it’s big seller – Chanel No. 5. The delivery van that drives around the UK displays a very old, unique and valuable cherished number plate – ‘No. 5’ in honour of the famous perfume.

Not only will your new branded personalised plate promote your business, but it could give you some extra publicity. Registrations companies such as Speedy Registrations will be happy to promote your company on their website if you send them a photograph of your vehicle with the registration (provided that you purchased the number through them). You never know who might spot your company and get in touch.

A personalised number plate can be a vital part of your promotional strategy so do not miss this opportunity to get your business noticed. If you have seen a suitable registration for your company why not give Speedy Reg a call. They may also be able to find you an even better alternative.