Did you know all number plates can be supplied on Retention Certificate?

Number Plates


That’s right, you can purchase any of our number plates right now, and store them on a retention certificate until you want to use them! This is particularly handy if you spot the perfect plate but you’re not quite ready for it. If you’re waiting for a new car, or perhaps you already have a private plate but just want another one, or have spotted one you really want and don’t want to let it get away. You can simply order it and have it transferred straight onto a retention certificate.

As you know, all private number plates are unique, so if you see one you like, if someone else buys it first, you may never get the chance again. It can be frustrating to miss out on your perfect plate!


Even being short on the cash doesn’t need to mean you miss out on that one-off great plate that’s just right for you, as we also offer interest free credit, so you can snap up that ideal plate right now rather than having to wait for pay day and hoping that it’s still available then.