Are traditional car games a thing of the past?


We’ve been reading that three quarters of children would rather play on a games console or tablet to traditional car plates such as counting coloured cars, or making words out of number plates. We think this rather sad. Here at Speedy Reg we’ve talked fondly about long journeys spent playing those games than can only be played in the car. An important part of any holiday, they kept us occupied on motorway journeys and no doubt was preferable to our parents than a sing-song, and fended off the dreaded ‘are we there yet?’ for a while.

Do you still play games in the car with your kids? Perhaps you play I-Spy or you like to spot the names on Eddie Stobart trucks? These simple games can be educational, so we think everyone should bring back the number plate game! It’s also worth remembering that looking at a mobile device can bring on travel sickness, so if your kids suffer, they are best avoided!