People from all walks of life have personalised plates these days but if there’s one group of people you can guarantee to have personalised plates, it’s celebrities!
Chris Evans is one such celeb with a passion for private plates, although he doesn’t let his heart rule his head, he buys as an investment and has stated that he wouldn’t buy them if they weren’t a good investment. Chris has eleven private plates including FAB 1 and 1 FAB which he bought simply because they’re great looking plates. His favourite plate though is FER 1 as he loves Ferraris. Chris thinks ordinary British number plates are ugly and boring and Speedy Reg have to agree.
Of course Chris Evans isn’t the only celebrity with a great plate. Athlete Iwan Thomas has the plate R400 RUN, Vinnie Jones is the owner of 100 VJ, Snooker champion Jimmy White is the proud owner of the 1 CUE plate and Nicky Clarke, the famous hairdresser has a great plate… H41 RDO!
Photo Credit: By Admiralty. [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons