DVLA number plate styles

DVLA Number Plates

If you’re looking for a cheap personalised plate you can choose from literally millions of DVLA number plates. There are two different styles of DVLA plate available. Current or new style, and classic style.

Current style plates have two letters, followed by a two number date identifier then three more letters. You can have any combination as long as it is not already registered to someone else, so you’ve got plenty of combinations to choose from. These plates have been issued since September 2001.

Classic style plates are a little different. They have the date identifier at the beginning of the plate,  so the format is a letter, one or two numbers (from 1 to 20), then three letters. These classic plates were issued from 1983 to August 2001.

When it comes to the two digits that represent the year, you can choose a number that shows your car to be the age it is, or older, but you can’t pick a date that makes your car look newer than it actually is, so bear this in mind when you’re searching for your DVLA plate.

These DVLA plates represent great value for money. Buying a plate is a simple process, you can have your new plates on your car within a matter of just a few days.

Photo credit: Gene Hunt / Foter.com / CC BY